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Find your handpan tuning

Finding the right tuning is the first step on the way to a suitable handpan. The right mood for you means which scale reaches you, touches you, what do you like to listen to for a long time. Trust your sense of hearing and watch as many videos as possible , close your eyes and let yourself be enchanted by the sound of the handpan. When you've heard enough videos, you'll find out in your own way which way things are headed. In addition to the manufacturer videos, there are also some catchy tunes by well-known artists on the Internet. Usually, the information about the sound fields is in the comment lines of the videos.

First of all, we would like to briefly mention a few basic terms at this point.

  • scale, scale and tuning
    mean the same
  • The Tone Gender
    differs in the third above the root and is either major (major third, 4 semitones) or minor (minor third, 3 semitones)
  • The chromatic scale
    runs from C to B (c-cis-d-dis-ef-fis-g-gis-a-ais-hc)
  • Handpans are usually diatonic
    ie they do not have all the tones of the scale spectrum. This limits you to a certain tonal range, which makes it all the more important to find the right scale.
  • Different scale designations
    are partly used for the same scale. So Amara is the same as Celtic Minor . Or C# Kurd same as Annaziska . We always try to use all common terms in parallel to avoid further confusion.

For first steps, videos help to find the right scale. You can filter our handpan catalog by keynote (base) and tuning, giving you a sound sample for each instrument.
In order to experience the instruments in all their vitality, we recommend that you try out the various instruments live in our local handpan showrooms . We have a representative selection of lovingly manufactured handpans from our instrument makers for on-site testing.
We are happy to provide you with advice and support if you have any questions or uncertainties .

Intuitive approach

At this point we would like to acknowledge that people find their instrument in completely different ways. Would you perhaps also say: Your handpan finds you - and you let it find you? Then you probably take a more intuitive approach. Trust your hearing when choosing your desired mood. Listen to as many different sound examples as possible in our handpan catalog and see how you feel when listening and looking at them. Where do you notice a resonance inside? It is best to make short notes about what appeals to you and what it does to you. Which key do you like and which sounds particularly touch you? Close your eyes and feel how the sounds affect you. What particularly resonates with you?
If you particularly liked a specific video, you will often find information about the mood played in the description or in the comments. If not, just send us a link and we'll give you the scale.

Systematic approach

You can also rationalize your mood. In our experience, the following questions help to narrow down step by step and to crystallize what is important to you by means of a process of elimination.

1. Which atmosphere should mainly be created?

Note: Most moods can be used to create different atmospheres. This is only for orientation, where the focus of the mood lies.

  • happy & alive
  • mysterious
  • melancholic
  • Oriental
  • versatile

2. Would you like to play mainly for yourself or combine it with other instruments?

  • Just for me: Actually, all tunings are suitable as solo instruments. Here you have the greatest freedom of choice. Particularly interesting solo instruments are handpans that are based on a semitone step, e.g. C#
    Very popular: C# Amara (Celtic Minor) or C# Kurd (Annaziska)
  • I would like to play with other handpans: D minor tunings (Kurd or Celtic Minor) are often used in handpan courses and workshops. But there you usually have the opportunity to borrow a handpan with the right tuning.
    There is also a trend that many newcomers rely on D minor handpans because they read more often or are told that this is the most common tuning. Our experience does not necessarily show that. Nevertheless, the general trend seems to be going in that direction.
    If it is a specific handpan from a friend or acquaintance, or you already have a handpan for which you are looking for a suitable tuning, contact our support and we will help you.


There are major keys that sound happier and minor keys that sound more mystical and melancholic. It should be noted that there are tone scales that are easier to combine and less easily combinable . The question of whether you would like to play with other musicians and instruments must be answered in advance. In this case, we would definitely recommend that you consult us, because the choice of the appropriate scale must be tailored to the respective instrument. With chromatically structured instruments that cover the full tonal spectrum, such as guitar, piano, etc., this is irrelevant. These can be played to match any handpan scale provided their concert pitch is tuned to a matching frequency . In the info boxes of our handpans in the handpan catalog you will find a description of the respective tuning.

Without too much theory, trust your hearing when choosing your desired mood that will accompany you on your future path. If you stumble upon something online that you like, be sure to make a note or bookmark it for later.

Auditions will be announced fairly soon, because a 3D sound creature also wants to be experienced in the real world. You will notice that the look, how the handpan feels for your hands and the entire handling is for you, only together make a coherent overall impression. To round it off, you will receive a tangible understanding of material , sound and quality in the shop with selection and advice.


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